
Pom Pom-making fool!

If you have seen it or not, the new fab decor for weddings and parties is moving away from paper lanterns to these super trendy tissue-paper pom poms! First showcased by Martha Stewart...they have become the most requested item from Lavish. We have 4 upcoming events that are using these pom poms so I have been VERY busy folding and fluffing and hanging these inexpensive but fun decorations! Also check out how REAL these tissue-paper pomander balls look! Just an FYI I snagged this photo from a wedding blog because my toddler seems to have broken my camera! These are a really great alternative to paper lanterns....as you probably know the lanterns range anywhere from $4 to about $15 each...whereas these tissue creations are significantly less than that...so shoot us an email for a quote!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these pom-poms look amazing! I can imagine these all hung up in different colors, how lovely. I'm sure this trend will continue to be on the rise. It's affordable, interesting, and it looks really wonderful!
