
Brides! Don't Give In!!

No, I’m not talking about the latest argument with your future mother-in-law.

I’m talking to you!
Don’t get me wrong, tradition is fabulous….white linens, white flowers, white dress……IF that’s what YOU want! If that’s NOT what you want, don’t give in! You’ll find that as soon as that ring goes on your finger, EVERYONE is going to have a different vision for your big day. But who gets to make the decisions? You do. So if you don’t want the white flowers, don’t get them. If you want lime green linens, get them! If you want a blush dress, go for it girl!

There are a lot of new traditions in today’s bridal world. One new trend is finding a hot pair of shoes to go with your gown. You don’t have to wear white shoes with your dress. Plenty of women are out there buying sexy red heels to don under that petticoat….we all know there is something about a great pair of heels that makes us feel irresistible.

Another tradition dilemma is hair styles. Most of us know the traditional wedding ‘up-do’ as a pile of stacked curls with the veil tucked neatly on top of the curls. It’s a wonderful ‘do, but is it you? If you’re not the kind to get the smooth sleek styled curls, then simply don’t. You want to look like the best possible ‘you’, not like someone else. Find the best hairstyle for your face, dress, and overall feel of your wedding.

Finally, the reception is for your guests to enjoy, but give them something to ‘WOW’ about. White on white is elegant and classic…..but what if you and your fiancé are modern fun-loving night owls? Try a jazzy and sultry themed reception, bound to be remembered for years to come!

Whatever your style, make sure you stay true to your hearts when planning the details of your wedding!

Stay Lavish!
~Lavish Lisa

P.S. If you need help making these dreams come true, call us!!

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